As a peaceful warrior, I would choose when, where and how I would behave.
With that commitment, I began to live the life of a warrior.
~Dan Millman

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"We have the capacity to consciously evaluate our responses to environmental stimuli
change old responses any time we desire...
once we deal with the powerful subconscious mind.
We are not stuck with our genes or our self-defeating behavior!"

~Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., author of The Biology of Belief
Hey gang!
I know that I have been MIA with the commentary lately. That facebook thing is so fast and available. But I feel that there is such a shift rising on the swell that I will be spending more time here. So thanks for your patience!

Everything is in a constant state of change. Making a conscious change includes the whole package the physical and mental/emotional/spiritual. Changing your lifestyle for good is about consistency.
  • A dishonest yes to someone else is a no to yourself (Byron Katie). Be true to yourself or at least start learning what that means. Take care of yourself because if you are sick, weak or otherwise distracted in the past or the future, you can't be present in your life. Don't miss out!
  • Share and extra ordinary action or a kind word with those that are part of your sacred circle, family, loved ones, your peeps, pals or just best buds.
  • Find your integrity in your community, even with those that you don't know. Our celebrity examples are certainly showing us what not to do! We are all connected in this life and when you dishonor yourself you dishonor others and vice versa.
Keep it real.

With a grateful heart and a vital force! ~j


JeffO said...

Great message! Change is just a conscious decision away.
And glad to see you back!

Unknown said...

Hey Jeff! Life just happens around blogging. Thanks for keeping me around :-) ~j