As a peaceful warrior, I would choose when, where and how I would behave.
With that commitment, I began to live the life of a warrior.
~Dan Millman

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"Today I live in the quiet, joyous expectation of good."
~ Ernest Holmen

Funny...these last few days I have found rather challenging. But a good challenge is helpful to put things in perspective. Still, it can be a pain in the rear too. So, today with good intentions of getting it all straight and leaving nothing with a sour taste, I started my very busy day.

Trying to fit all of life in can be difficult. So when I realized that I had forgotten an important pair of shoes for a much needed workout I had scheduled in so carefully to my day, I was pretty down. I had things so tight that I knew I didn't even have time to stop somewhere and fork over the extra $$ it would likely cost to pick up a new pair. Bummer.

Now this may not seem like much of a big deal, but with all of the other areas of my life not quite buttoned up as I like them, the control freak part of me started to peak out from under the darkness and rear its ugly head. I was 3 days behind and have made a commitment to myself that I was falling short of. Balance in my life is vital goal that I strive to create. My family, my work and time for myself are all so important to me that when one veers, they all seem to scream for attention. So...

The universe seems to work wonders. I am finding new meaning in the concept of surrender. Not an easy topic for me personally. My last appt finished early and I was able to hop out and take care of the shoe situation. Now, in reflection, was this a critical issue? I could have pushed things out another day, sure. But my lesson was that I cannot always do it all. I cannot always plan it all and I most certainly cannot always execute on cue. Life happens. So instead of blowing it out of proportion I surrendered internally and was provided with a small gift, the gift of time, to live in the joyous expectation of what in my life for the moment was good. If I did this more often with really important issues, I can now see that these gifts will continue to become reality.

In expectation good! ~j

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