As a peaceful warrior, I would choose when, where and how I would behave.
With that commitment, I began to live the life of a warrior.
~Dan Millman

Monday, April 23, 2007

Okay gang! Just came across a great tip on the Sundance Channel's new series, The Green, on tv.

Every Tuesday night, they are running a documentary called Big Ideas for a Small Planet. It's just great stuff. Check it out. Fab, fun people, making you laugh as they explain how we need to change to save the world.

I like that - a little freak out, peppered with a lot of humor. Case in point - a quote from the inaugural episode:

"I feel as if we are in a giant car, heading into a brick wall at a hundred miles an hour, and everybody in the car is arguing about where they want to sit. It doesn't matter who's driving. Someone's gotta say 'For heaven's sakes, put the brakes on and turn the wheel.' A few of us are saying that... but we're locked in the trunk." - David Suzuki
Seriously - Tuesday nights.
Give it a go...

Tip from - very cool, very fun...lots of good green energy!

Tipping well! ~j

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