As a peaceful warrior, I would choose when, where and how I would behave.
With that commitment, I began to live the life of a warrior.
~Dan Millman

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Whatever you do,
just always remember that for things to change,
you must get a picture of what you want them to change to.
~Jerry Clark

Most people are looking for change in their lives. Striving for that next big promotion, dreaming about a new house, hoping for something to come along and shake things up. No matter what it is for you...having a distinct picture in your minds eye will really provide motivation and purpose to get there.

Sometimes it is not all material. I recall a time (maybe even two...) when I thought that I had everything, but knew there was something significant missing. I was unfulfilled in an area of my life that I could not define. When I realized that it hinged on a spiritual need, I was suprised. But The Police said it well when the said that '...we are spirits, in a material world...' I was a good church girl all my life but I followed my religion with human expectation. I knew all the words to the songs, when to sit and stand, when to bow and kneel in prayer. But still something was tugging at my heart. I realized it was up and feel it! Don't just repeat it. My grandfather used to admonish me for not using the weekly prayer booklet and at the time I just didn't get it. Of course, I knew it all :-). What I believe he was trying to say is more important to be in the moment than to just slip through it.

I find this change for me liberating. It opened up a whole new world of understanding, peace and joy. Reaching for those changes will take many shapes and forms and often the changes that we thought we really wanted become secondary to those that lay closer to our hearts than expected. There are always areas of growth in our lives. Sometimes they come around more than once.

A different season of life a different place to grow. These are a little more challenging because it is hard to picture in our minds eye. Look deeply, if you look to your heart, it will guide you whether in spirit or even for the touchy stuff.

Here's to your picture! ~j

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