Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike. ~John Muir
I am definately on the, let's consider nature, these last few days. If you have had any introduction to global warming, it is probably time to take a closer look.

The recently released movie...An Inconvenient Truth, has provided us with a wealth of information that we should really
take the time to explore.
Please don't be put off by political presentation here. The message is what is important and aside from the political mumbo jumbo, there are things that we can be doing in our own homes that do not need to belay our voting status.
Be looking at the bigger picture here. If recycling and conservation are important, and they are, how can making a
few simple changes that benefit a better community be wrong? Hmmm...think, think, think...
is greatly affected are the glacier melts, the permafrost, the heatwaves, hurricanes and draughts all over the world.
If you have no idea what I am talking about...it's time to get informed.
Hurricane Katrina is the most recent example of warming effect.
Make you own choices. There are groups out there that are willing to do harm, just to make a point that they don't care or believe.
Don't just watch one movie. But take what you find and
think for yourself. What makes sense? We have been talking about the earth's resources for years and years. And as a nation, we are gluttonous. No big secret.

I am not encouraging you to live like an extremist, but
I am asking that you consider to live with intention. You choose the intention as an informed human being. Look around...expand your circle of influence...open your eyes a little wider, if necessary.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/kyoto/ - KYOTO Protocol http://www.kyotoandbeyond.org/petition.html - PEOPLE'S RATIFICATION OF THE KYOTO GLOBAL WARMING TREATY
Carmakers fight global warming lawsuit - ARTICLE
Are we willing to take the chance? Look at all of the information and come to your own conclusion. If this is all hokey pokey, doesn't some form of conservation still ensure a better life for your grandchildren, your legacy, or those remain when you are gone?

On fire today! ~j